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Surgical termination is the most common procedure for termination of pregnancy world-wide.


It is an extremely safe and reliable operation and will be performed by a specialist medical team following both am information session and a meeting with the performing doctor to personalise the procedure to your individual medical needs.


The surgical method allows safe termination of first and second trimester pregnancies ranging from 3 to 19 weeks (based on in clinic ultrasound and physical assessment).


Your experience at the clinic is designed to make things as smooth and comfortable as possible. The service is completely confidential and does not require a referral from another doctor.

Surgical Termination

First things first

What happens on the day?

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First and foremost, we will be looking after you, making sure you are comfortable and happy with the environment and procedures every step of the way.


Your entire stay with us is generally no longer than 3 hours. When you arrive at the clinic we will give you some forms to read and complete, after which we will introduce you to our trained staff for an information session.


This session will be held in a private room, and our staff member will talk with you about your circumstances and decision. They will explain in full the operative procedures. You may ask any questions that you have until they are answered to your satisfaction. At no point are you obligated to complete the procedure, you have as much time as you need to feel comfortable and make an informed decision.


You will then meet with the doctor performing the procedure for a consultation as well as a second doctor who will be providing the anaesthesia. You will have an ultrasound to confirm the duration of the pregnancy and will be provided with the choice of being awake (local anaesthesia) or under twilight sedation. This form of sedation is very safe and effective, allowing you to be relieved of pain and memory for the duration of the procedure. Depth of sedation can be adjusted by the doctor providing the anaesthesia based on your clinical needs or personal preferences (you can be fully asleep or simply under light sedation). You may also use this opportunity to ask any other questions you have.


The technique we use is globally considered to be the safest, most effective method, called suction curettage. This is an extremely quick procedure lasting only 5-10 minutes, which involves gentle removal of pregnancy tissue through light suction. After the procedure, you will be able to rest in the recovery room  and have some light refreshments. Your stay in the recovery will be approximately one hour.


Terminations over 16 weeks will be performed in two sessions to allow the procedure to be performed in the safest, most comfortable way. The first session is a short preparation session, and the second involves the actual procedure.

For more information please see 

What to bring

Things to avoid:


  • Do not eat or drink anything (including chewing gum or candy) for 4 hours before your appointment.


  • Please arrange transport. You will not be able to drive yourself home after anaesthesia. 


  • We do not have facilities to accommodate children. Please make arrangements for their care for the time you are with us.



Things to bring with you:


  • Current Medicare Card plus your method of payment (cash, Eftpos, Visa, Mastercard).


  • Health Care Card, Pension Card, if applicable.


  • Any medical documentation if available (doctor referral letter, blood group report, ultrasounds, etc.) . If your pregnancy is 16 weeks or later, please organise a formal ultrasound report obtained after 12 weeks.


  • List of current medications if any.


  • A few adhesive sanitary pads - not panty liners.


  • Socks and spare underwear.


  • A supportive adult to accompany you home is preferable but not necessary.


If you have any other questions that we have not answered here, please browse our

Anything else?

To make a booking, or to simply ask some questions

02 9221-1933

© 2024 by Macquarie Street Clinic.

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